Growth of Cu2ZnSnSe4 crystals from a KI-KCl melt-solution in a temperature gradient

Keywords: kesterite, Cu2ZnSnSe4, CZTSe, CZTS, melt-solution, solar energy


In this work, a two-step method for preparation of CZTSe (Cu2ZnSnSe4) single crystals was demonstrated for the first time by recrystallization of a polycrystalline material in a KI-KCl melt-solution in a temperature gradient. At the first step, a polycrystalline material consisting of a mixture of metal selenides was synthesized by direct fusion of elemental Cu, Zn, Sn, and Se at 1000°C. Next, recrystallization process was carried out at a temperature gradient of 100°C, while the temperature of the cold zone was 750°C. The phase and chemical composition of the crystals were studied by energy dispersive X-ray and Raman spectroscopy. It was shown that the charge composition does not affect the composition of the obtained crystals. According to the amount of the remaining charge in the hot zone, one can speak of a very low recrystallization rate and a low product yield. Analysis of the elemental composition of crystals from the cold zone revealed a high inhomogeneity even in one experiment, which indicates the need to optimize the experimental parameters. On the other hand, according to the full line width at half height of the main peak, it can be argued that the obtained samples have a high degree of order in the structure and are suitable for measuring of  physical characteristics.


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How to Cite
Bakhadur, A., Uralbekov, B., & Kokh, K. (2022). Growth of Cu2ZnSnSe4 crystals from a KI-KCl melt-solution in a temperature gradient. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 106(3), 52-57.