Recommendations for writing scientific articles

General recommendations for writing scientific articles:

  • Write using simple and clear language, avoid vague phrases and colclusions;
  • Logically and systematically describe data;
  • Show what new you established in your work;
  • Do not overload your paper with unnecessary (in your opinion) information). Move it to the supplementary information.
  • Use scientific method for clear planning and describing your research


  • Justify importance of the field
  • Disclose the meaning of narrow problem
  • Propose solution for the problem, formulate hypothesis
  • Describe what data can help you in solution of the problem
  • Formulate goal of the work.

Try to cite only recent publications including your own.

Experimental section

Describe all equipment, materials and methods.

Describe methodology of research - all conducted experiments.

Describe how you checked reproducibility of the results: replicates, statistical processing, etc.

Results and discussion

Present as tables and figures.

All figures should have quality at least 300 dpi or be in vector format (EPS or WMF). Font should be clear and readable, all axes - marked with dimensions. Try to locate independent variable on absciss and dependent varialbe on ordinate.

Describe all obtained data and try to explain them using known scientific facts and theories.

Show importance and make recommendations on application of the obtained results.


Formulate main findings.

Characterize applied methodology (was efficient, needs upgrade).

Give recommendations on application of the obtained results.


Give information on the project under which the work was done. Include funding agency.

Acknowledge everybody who helped you with your work.

Abstract - very short version of the full article.

1-2 sentences: problem and goal

2-3 sentences: methods and methodology

< 10 sentences: key results

1 sentence: conclusion

Abstract is necessary for quick understanding of the article. It will be read by much higher number of readers.

Article title should reflect the content of the work or report main result.

Keywords are necessary for fast search of your article in databases and search systems. Think, what words would you use when searching for your own article.