Rules for preparation of the lists of references
Guidelines for preparation of list of references:
1) For articles in English, one lits of references is prepared (examples are below). For articles in English and Russia, two lists of references are prepared - in 1) GOST and 2) international formats.
2) Please use only journal abbreviations listed here:
3) After all references to papers published in international peer-reviewed journals and Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, DOI (Digital Object Identifier) must be given. DOI can be found in paper PDFs or on the main webpage of publication or using CrossRef search engine:
4) Citations to unreliable webpages including are not allowed.
5) In the list of references, for non-English articles, the language of the original paper must be given (In Kazakh), (In Russian), (In German), etc. Give transliterated journal or book title in brackets.
6) All citations to books should contain ISBN (-10 or -13) or DOI
7) When submitting a manuscript, paste list of references in English into the field "References".
English style for Mendeley reference manager may be downloaded here:
To add this style into Mendeley from MS Word:
Examples of references:
Journal articles:
1 Karlesky DL, Ramelow G, Ueno Y (1987) Environ Pollut 43:195-207.
After journal title, volume OR issue is given.
Article in Russian that does not have English version
2 Burmistrova NA, Sycheva VO, Churikov AV, Ivanischeva IA (2009) Electrochemical Energetics [Elektrohimicheskaya energetika] 9:188-189. (In Russian)
Article in Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University published online at
3 Alimzhanova MB, Doszhan GN, Kenessov BN, Batyrbekova SY, Nauryzbayev MK (2009) Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University 2:139-144. (In Russian)
Article in Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University not published online at
4 Kenessov BN, Kalugina SM, Alimzhanova MB, Baimatova N, Batyrbekova SY (2007) Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University 5:73-77. (In Russian)
5 Mirsal IA (2008) Soil pollution: origins, monitoring and remediation, second edition. Springer, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-540-70777-6
Conference Proceedings or Abstracts:
6 Mohammed MA (2012) Treatment techniques of oil-contaminated soil and water aquifers. Proceedings of International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environment, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. P.123.
7 Yergozhin YeYe, Solomin VA, Lyapunov VV, Tsukerman VG (2000) A method for determination of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine and nitrosodimethylamine [Metod opredeleniya 1,1-dimetilgidrazina i nitrosodimetilamina]. Preliminary Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan [Predvaritelnyi patent Respubliki Kazakhstan]. (In Russian)
8 RMG 61-2003. Indexes of accuracy, precision, validity of the methods of quantitative chemical analysis, methods of evaluation [GSI. Pokazateli tochnosti, pravilnosti, pretsizionnosti metodik kolichestvennogo himicheskogo analiza. Metodyi otsenki]. Moscow, Russia, 2003. (In Russian)
Web Pages:
9 “Nakanune” Internet newspaper, 6 Sep. (2007) During fall, 218 tons of heptyl were in fuel tanks of “Proton” [V moment padeniya v toplivnyih bakah "Proton" ostavalos 218 tonn geptila]. (In Russian)