Carrying out of reactions of reduction of the some people 4–nitroanilids n–morpholinil–and n–cytisinilacetic acids

  • V. Kulakov / Institute of organic synthesis and coal chemistry, Karaganda
  • Е. Arinova Institute of organic synthesis and coal chemistry, Karaganda
  • S. Akhmetkarimova Institute of organic synthesis and coal chemistry, Karaganda
  • D. Fazylov Institute of organic synthesis and coal chemistry, Karaganda
  • S. Zhivotova Institute of organic synthesis and coal chemistry, Karaganda


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How to Cite
Kulakov, V., ArinovaЕ., Akhmetkarimova, S., Fazylov, D., & Zhivotova, S. (2011). Carrying out of reactions of reduction of the some people 4–nitroanilids n–morpholinil–and n–cytisinilacetic acids. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 61(1), 301-305. Retrieved from