/ Self–spreading high–temperature synthesis of metal manganese

  • D. Kassymbekova Institute of Combustion Problems
  • O. Tyumentseva Institute of Combustion Problems
  • J. Sabaev Institute of Combustion Problems


It is shown that the use of silumene as a reducing agent results in a high degree of manganese extraction from manganese monoxide as both component of silumene – aluminum and silicon take part in SH–synthesis with a reduction stage. Preliminary activation of the reducing agent to carry out the process at the temperature of the furnace 750 – 800 OC. Metallic manganese has been obtained in the work by the metallothermal method in SHS–regim.


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How to Cite
Kassymbekova, D., Tyumentseva, O., & Sabaev, J. (2011). / Self–spreading high–temperature synthesis of metal manganese. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 61(1), 289-294. Retrieved from https://bulletin.chemistry.kz/index.php/kaznu/article/view/917