Compositions with anion and cation active surfactants for the corrosion protection of metal

  • S. Aidarova The international institute of after high school education ―Excellence PolyTech; The Kazakh national technical university of a name of K.I.Satpaeva
  • A. Sharipova The international institute of after high school education ―Excellence PolyTech; The Kazakh national technical university of a name of K.I.Satpaeva
  • A. Babayev The international institute of after high school education ―Excellence PolyTech; The Kazakh national technical university of a name of K.I.Satpaeva
  • G. Alimbekova The international institute of after high school education ―Excellence PolyTech; The Kazakh national technical university of a name of K.I.Satpaeva
  • E. Baibatirov The international institute of after high school education ―Excellence PolyTech; The Kazakh national technical university of a name of K.I.Satpaeva
  • A. Nefedov The international institute of after high school education ―Excellence PolyTech; The Kazakh national technical university of a name of K.I.Satpaeva


The compositions with anion and cation active surfactants for the corrosion protection of steel is investigated. It is shown, that the degree of the protection of the composition depends on thenature and on the order of spreading of surfactants, durability of adsorption film depends on the adsorption energy of inhibitor molecules on the metal surface and permeability of the film depends on the structure of nonpolar part of inhibitor molecules.


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How to Cite
Aidarova, S., Sharipova, A., Babayev, A., Alimbekova, G., Baibatirov, E., & Nefedov, A. (2011). Compositions with anion and cation active surfactants for the corrosion protection of metal. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 61(1), 280-286. Retrieved from