Studying of physical and chemical characteristics of received boride composites by SHS method

  • D. Abdulkarimova Institute of combustion problems, Almaty
  • I. Vongaj Institute of combustion problems, Almaty
  • Z. Mansurov Institute of combustion problems, Almaty
  • O. Odavara Tokyo Institute of Technology


In the presented work modeling systems with chemically pure B2O3, transitive metals and powder Al have been studied and investigated. By method SHS have been obtained borides of the titan and chrome with use chemically pure B2O3 which represent high prospects for industrial application in synthesis of composites about a metal–boride matrix. Thermodynamic calculations for system Al – 3 B2O3– 3 B2O3 have been carried out.


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How to Cite
Abdulkarimova, D., Vongaj, I., Mansurov, Z., & Odavara, O. (2011). Studying of physical and chemical characteristics of received boride composites by SHS method. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 61(1), 188-193. Retrieved from