Comparative investigation for the kazakhstani polygonaceae family herbs

  • R. Muzychkina Al–Farabi Kazakh national university, Chemistry Department, Almaty
  • D. Korulkin Al–Farabi Kazakh national university, Chemistry Department, Almaty


For the first time there has been performed comparative qualitative composition and component investigation of 17 Kazakhstani Rumex species of Polygonaceae family. For the first time there has been investigated chemical composition of 3 species of Kazakhstani Rumex. To establish best feedstock gathering periods there was studied for the first time the dynamics of accumulation for the main groups of BAS within dependence of the vegetation places for all investigated species.


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How to Cite
Muzychkina, R., & Korulkin, D. (2011). Comparative investigation for the kazakhstani polygonaceae family herbs. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 61(1), 155-159. Retrieved from