New method for recycling heat of radioactive waste for production of high-viscosity oil, bitumen and gas hydrates

  • Tlevhan Kuromzhanovich Akhmedzhanov Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty
  • Bulbul Moldashevna Nuranbayeva Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty
  • Yerdos Kalimullayevich Ongarbayev al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
  • Birzhan Zhomartovich Zhappasbayev Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty
Keywords: high-viscosity oil, bitumen, hydrate, production, heat, radioactive waste, well


The article offers an innovative way of development of heavy (viscous) of oil, natural bitumen and gas hydrates using the heat from radioactive moves, by burying them in the bottom layer. Theoretical substantiation of heat distribution from point sources of heat capacity of which depends on the radioactivity of the waste and varies over time.


1 Khlebnikov VN (2005) A method to increase oil recovery [Sposob povyisheniya nefteotdachi mestorozhdeniy] / Patent for invention No. 2277632 of 04.03.2005. Russia. (In Russian)


2 Oganov KA (1967) Fundamentals of Thermal Effects on the Oil Reservoir [Osnovyi teplovogo vozdeystviya na neftyanoy plast]. Nedra, Moscow, Russia. P.19. (In Russian)


3 Akhmedzhanov TK, Nuranbayeva BM (2011) Method for development of high-viscosity oil, bitumen and gas hydrates [Sposob razrabotki vyisokovyazkoy nefti, bitumov i gazogidratov] / Innovation patent of Kazakhstan for invention No. 24391 of 15.08.2011. Published in information bulletin No. 8. (In Russian)

How to Cite
Akhmedzhanov, T., Nuranbayeva, B., Ongarbayev, Y., & Zhappasbayev, B. (2014). New method for recycling heat of radioactive waste for production of high-viscosity oil, bitumen and gas hydrates. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 74(2), 74-79.