Comparative analysis of the mineral and acid composition of Verbascum thapsus and Verbascum marschallianum
Results of the study of the chemical composition of aerial parts of two plant species - Verbascum thapsus and Verbascum marschallianum of the Scrophulariaceae family collected during the fruiting period in the Altai region of Kazakhstan are presented in the article. The quantitative and qualitative composition of biologically active substances was determined. Samples of Verbascum thapsus, contain 0.63% alkaloids, 0.43% saponins, 0.15% organic acids, 2.30% tannins, 1.07% flavonoids, 0.43% coumarins and 1.62% iridoids. Samples of Verbascum marschallianum contain 0.69% alkaloids, 0.50% saponins, 0.65% organic acids, 1.02% tannins, 1.45% flavonoids, 0.96% coumarins, 2.29% iridoids. The variety of biologically active compounds present in the studied plant species results in a wide range of biological activity. A comparative analysis of the mineral, amino and fatty acid composition of plants Verbascum thapsus and Verbascum marschallianum was carried out. The total content of free amino acids was 83.86-85.84%. Analysis of the mineral composition showed the presence of 11 mineral elements: K, Na, Mg, Ca, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe, Ni, Mn, which allows us to recommend the studied plants as a raw material rich in macro- and microelements.
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