Wastewater treatment from ions of heavy and non-ferrous metals by ion-exchange adsorption
This article presents the results of experimental research on wastewater treatment from ions of heavy and non-ferrous metals by ion exchange adsorption. The object of investigation was a model solution containing ions of heavy and non-ferrous metals and prepared of wastewater from Turkestan locomotive depot. As a sorbent, phosphorus–acidic cationite KRF-10P was used. The impact of the cation exchanger mass, reaction time of cationite and temperature of the solution on the degree of wastewater treatment from ions of heavy and non-ferrous metals (Zn2+, Pb2+, Cd2+) were studied. On the basis of experiments, optimal conditions of wastewater treatment from ions of heavy and non-ferrous metals were established: mKRF-10P = 2.0 g, t = 1.0 h, T = 55°C. At the optimized conditions, the degree of wastewater treatment from zinc ions reached 96.1%, the degree of removal of lead ions reached 89%, the degree of removal of cadmium ions reached 95%. Experimental results showed the possibility of wastewater treatment from ions of heavy and nonferrous metals by ion exchange adsorption using phosphorus–acidic cationite KRF-10P.
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