Calorimetry study of thermal capacities of alkaloids derivatives anabazini O,O-dimetiltiophosphat and l-ephedrini O,Odiizopropiltiophosphat

  • Sh. Kasenova Chemical and Metallurgical Institute named after Zh. Abishev of National Center Сomplex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda
  • A. Abildaeva Chemical and Metallurgical Institute named after Zh. Abishev of National Center Сomplex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda
  • B. Kasenov Chemical and Metallurgical Institute named after Zh. Abishev of National Center Сomplex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda
  • A. Kulgarin Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Astana
  • B. Ermagambet Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Astana
  • S. Phazilov Institute of Organic Synthesis and Coal Chemistry, Karaganda


By dynamic calorimetry methods research С0р~ f(Т) of alkaloids derivatives ephedrine and anabazine: anabazini O,O-dimetiltiophosphat and l-ephedrini O,O-diizopropiltiophosphat in ΔT = 112-114 °C and T=145°C. On the basis of experimental data for С0р (Т) derived dependence equations С0р~ f(Т) for research alkaloids.


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How to Cite
Kasenova, S., Abildaeva, A., Kasenov, B., Kulgarin, A., Ermagambet, B., & Phazilov, S. (2011). Calorimetry study of thermal capacities of alkaloids derivatives anabazini O,O-dimetiltiophosphat and l-ephedrini O,Odiizopropiltiophosphat. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 64(4), 141-145.