Reduction of 1-methyl-2-phenyldecahydroquinolin-4-one

  • Oral Zhilkibayev al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Stereochemistry of the reduction of 1-methyl-2е-phenyl-trans-decahydroquinoline-4-one has been studied under different conditions: the reduction by sodium in ethanol in accordance with the mechanism of this reaction gives mainly an equatorial alcohol; with sodium boron hydride – there forms a mixture of aminoalcohols with the predominance of an equatorial epimer; the reduction of aminoketone by aluminum isopropylate proceeds with the direction, usual for this method, and results in the predominant formation of axial alcohol.


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How to Cite
Zhilkibayev, O. (2012). Reduction of 1-methyl-2-phenyldecahydroquinolin-4-one. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 65(1), 250-252.