Electrochemical analysis of oxidation-reduction reactions

  • A. Tapalova Korkyt ata Kyzylorda state university, Kyzylorda
  • O. Suleimenova Al-Farabi National University, Kazakstan
Keywords: oxidation-reduction reactions, redox system, comparing the redox potentials, the standard electrode potentials, Gibbs energy


This article covers the simplest way to solve the problem on determining the direction of oxidation-reduction reactions. Instead of calculating the value of ΔG at standard thermodynamic functions it is proposed to compare the redox potentials of redox systems, namely, to calculate electromotive force mentally compiled a galvanic element. The connection between the cell electromotive force and Gibbs energy is expressed by the following equation: ΔG = - nFE. Therefore, in order to determine reaction feature it is required to know the cell electromotive force (Е0). In practice, there are such processes where two and more oxidizing or reviving elements are involving. In many cases, the oxidant comprised of oxygen.  In such cases, the electrode process involving water and its dissociation products - hydrogen ions (acid medium) or hydroxide ions (alkaline). In this regard, the change was considered a general equation of the electrode potential according to different conditions of the electrode process. The article provides examples for typical tasks and tasks for own solving.


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How to Cite
Tapalova, A., & Suleimenova, O. (2013). Electrochemical analysis of oxidation-reduction reactions. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 69(1), 148-154. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15328/chemb_2013_1148-154
Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry