Self-study as a way of forming professional competence in the study of inorganic chemistry

  • Dina Mendaliyeva M.Utemisov West-Kazakhstan state university, Uralsk
  • Zh. Sultanova M.Utemisov West-Kazakhstan state university, Uralsk
Keywords: self work of student, inorganic chemistry, modernization, competence, development of skills, research skills


In the article analyze of the organization of self work of students in the discipline of "Inorganic Chemistry" in credit technology was described.

The main trends of the self work in the study of inorganic chemistry in the training of teachers of chemistry were described. Goals and objectives, forms and types, formation skills of self work and the role of the tutor were determined. The results of the survey with goal to determine of relations of students to self work in higher educational institutions were presented. Recommendations of formation of skills to execution self work of students are shown.


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How to Cite
Mendaliyeva, D., & Sultanova, Z. (2013). Self-study as a way of forming professional competence in the study of inorganic chemistry. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 69(1), 141-147.