New zircon-manganites of lanthanum and alkali metals

Keywords: lanthanum, zircono-manganite, lithium, sodium, potassium, synthesis, radiography


Zircon-manganites of the composition LaMeI2ZrMnO6 (MeI – Li, Na, K). were synthesized using the ceramic technology method in the range of 800-1200°C by the interaction of lanthanum (III) oxides and lithium, sodium and potassium carbonates (analytical grade). Using X-ray diffraction methods, it was established that all synthesized zircon-manganites crystallize in a cubic system with the following lattice parameters: LaLi2ZrMnO6 – а = 16,26 ±0,02 Å; V0 = 4300,93 ±0,06 Å3; Z = 6; V° elem cell = 716,82 ± 0,02 Å3; r x-ray. = 5,49 g/сm3; r picn. = 5,42 ± 0,06 g/сm3; LaNa2ZrMnO6 – а = 16,85 ± 0,02Å; V0 = 4785,46 ± 0,02 Å3; Z = 6; V° elem cell = 795,58 ± 0,02 Å3; r x-ray. = 5,35 g/сm 3; r picn. = 5,30 ± 0,04 g/сm 3; LaK2ZrMnO6 – а = 17,45 ± 0,03 Å; V0 = 5318,85 ±0,09 Å3; Z = 6; V° elem cell = 885,81 ± 0,02 Å3; r x-ray. = 5,16 g/сm 3; r picn. = 5,08 ± 0,02 g/сm 3. It has been established that with an increase in ionic radii in the Li®Na®K series, the values of the parameter “a” and the volumes of lattices and unit cells of zircon-manganites increase.


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How to Cite
Turdiyev, M., Kasenov, B., Nukhuly, A., Stoev, M., Sagintaeva, Z., Kasenova, S., & Kuanyshbekov, E. (2024). New zircon-manganites of lanthanum and alkali metals. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 111(1-2), 22-27.