Study of performance properties of an asphalt modified with polyethylen

  • Safura S. Satayeva Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
  • Aibarsha G. Аbdrakhmanova Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
  • Anar S. Kurmangaliyeva Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
Keywords: asphalt, polymer waste, modification, penetration, brittleness temperature, softening temperature, extensibility


The quality of road bitumen is one of the most important factors determining the service life and quality of road asphalt concrete pavements. Current trends in oil refining and, in particular, increasingly deeper processing of crude oil, require consideration of the characteristics of its chemical composition and structure for the production of road bitumen, and, accordingly, the physical and mechanical properties of the bitumen produced.

In this study the BOR 70/100 oil asphalt from the Aktau Bitumen Factory LLP “CaspiBitum” was considered. An asphalt was modified with polymer waste to upgrade operating properties. The I-40 industrial oil was used as a softener. Indicators like penetration, extensibility (ductility), brittleness temperature and softening temperature of bitumen were explored in this study. It was shown, that physical-mechanical properties of bitumen increased after modification: needle penetration depth decreased, extensibility decreased, softening temperature increased. Also, the influence of polymers on the structure of bitumen and the effect of their action in the composition were examined. Structure of polymer waste in Republic of Kazakhstan was analyzed. It was proved, that the usage of the recycled polyethylene as a modifier is a rational approach, and it lets to recycle stocks of secondary polymeric materials. Also problems of improving the properties of polymer-bitumen binder and ecology solved.


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How to Cite
Satayeva, S., АbdrakhmanovaA., & Kurmangaliyeva, A. (2018). Study of performance properties of an asphalt modified with polyethylen. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 91(4), 24-30.