Role of oxygen in hydrochemical processes during dissolution of minerals (sulphides, oxides and metals)

  • Khabibulla Ospanov al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
Keywords: oxygen, hydrochemical process, dissolution of metals


A brief review was made, where various views of scientists on role of oxygen in conditions of dissolution of minerals (sulfides, oxides, metals) in a hydrochemical process were discussed, and author’s view on this process was given.


1. Vaughan DJ, Craig JR (1978) Mineral chemistry of metal sulfides. – Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0521214890


2. Ogorodnikov YuI, Ponomareva EI (1983) Electro digestion of chalcogenide materials [Elektrovyischelachivanie halkogenitnyih materialov]. Nauka, Alma–Ata, Kazakhstan. (In Russian)


3. Plaksin IP, Anfimova EA (1954) Transactions of the Institute of Mining of the Academy of Sciences of USSR [Trudy IGD AN SSSR] 1:225. (In Russian)


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6. Nishihara GS (1914) Economic Geology 9:743-757.


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9. Zelikman AN, Vol'dman GM, Belyavskaya MV (1975) Theory of hydrometallurgic processes [Teoriya gidrometallurgicheskih protsessov]. Metallurgiya, Moscow, Russia. (In Russian)


10. Semenov NN (1958) About some problems of chemical physics and reactivity [O nekotoryih problemah himicheskoy kinetiki i reaktsionnoy sposobnosti]. Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow, Russia. (In Russian)


11. Majima H, Peters E (1966) AIME Transactions 3236:1403-1413.


12. Ospanov KhK (1993) Physical chemical foundations of selective dissolution of minerals [Fiziko-himicheskie osnovyi izbiratelnogo rastvoreniya mineralov]. Nedra, Moscow, Russia. (In Russian)


13. Ospanov KhK (2004) Physical and chemical foundations for selective dissolution of minerals. Flint River, London, UK.


14. Ospanov KhK (2004) Theory of controlling. A physico-chemical process taking place at the interface solid-liquid. Flint River, London, UK.


15. Ospanov KhK (2012) General principles of prediction of differences of minerals and “solvents” reactivity in the processes of mineral raw materials processing (On materials of 3 international scientific discoveries), Student’s book [Obschie printsipyi prognozirovaniya razlichiya reaktsionnoy sposobnosti mineralov i «rastvoriteley» v usloviyah pererabotki mineralnogo syirya. (Po materialam treh mezhdunarodnyih nauchnyih otkryitiy), Uchebnoe posobie]. Almaty, Kazakhstan. (In Russian)


16. Petrun'kin EM (1958) Proceedings of meetings on complex compounds [Trudyi soveschaniy po kompleksonam]. Sverdlovsk, Russia. P.20-24. (In Russian)


17. Ospanov KhK, Ospanova AK (2002) Electrochemical and thermodynamic properties of unitiol and its complex compounds [Elektrohimicheskie i termodinamicheskie svoystva unitiola i unitiolatnyih kompleksov]. - Kazakh University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. P.326. (In Russian)


18. Kremer VA (1981) Physical chemistry of solutions of flotation reagents [Fizicheskaya himiya rastvorov flotatsionnyih reagentov]. Nedra, Moscow. P.91. (In Russian)

How to Cite
Ospanov, K. (2014). Role of oxygen in hydrochemical processes during dissolution of minerals (sulphides, oxides and metals). Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 74(2), 60-73.
Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry