Organization of a cognitive activity of students when teaching analytical chemistry

  • А. Tapalova Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda
  • O. Suleimenova al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Keywords: qualitative analysis, analytical thinking, comparison, abstraction, generalization


Qualitative analysis allows using basic knowledge of general and inorganic chemistry for the solution of practical problems, disclosure the chemism of the processes that are fundamental for  the methods of analysis. Systematic qualitative analysis develops analytical thinking, establishes a scientific style of thinking of students.

Сhemical analysis requires certain skills and abilities and develops the general chemical culture of the future teachers оn chemistry. The result can be evaluated in the course of self-control, peer review, and solving creative problems. Mastering the techniques of critical thinking (comparison, abstraction, generalization) and their use in a particular chemical material - are necessary element in the formation of professional thinking of the future chemistry teacher.


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How to Cite
TapalovaА., & Suleimenova, O. (2012). Organization of a cognitive activity of students when teaching analytical chemistry. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 68(4), 205-210.