Synthesis of thioamides on the basis of biogenic amines, aromatic aldehydes and sulfur

  • Zh. Аkhmetkarimova Institute of organic synthesis and coal chemistry
  • D. Zhienbaeva Institute of organic synthesis and coal chemistry
  • S. Fazylov Institute of organic synthesis and coal chemistry
  • О. Nurkenov Institute of organic synthesis and coal chemistry


N–substituted thiamides of benzoic acid were obtained by interaction between arilaldehydes and secondary amines (morpholine, 1–benzylpiperazine and sulfur in the conditions of Willgerodt–Kindler reaction and in terms of microwave activation.


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How to Cite
АkhmetkarimovaZ., Zhienbaeva, D., Fazylov, S., & NurkenovО. (2011). Synthesis of thioamides on the basis of biogenic amines, aromatic aldehydes and sulfur. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 61(1), 337-340. Retrieved from