Surface properties of urine colloids of healthy people and patients with urolithiasis

  • R. Bareeva S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy MD of the Russian Federation
  • L. Molodkina St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, St. Petersburg
Keywords: urinary calculus, electrokinetic potential, coagulation kinetics


Applying the microelectrophoresis and flow ultramicroscopy methods within a wide pH range at 10-3M NaCl, electrokinetic properties and aggregative stability of urine colloids of healthy people and patients with urolithiasis have been explored. Urine colloids of healthy people show the same dependence of the electrokinetic (z -) potential on the pH medium, but a high degree of heterogeneity in systems by their electrokinetic properties. As for urine colloids of patients with urolithiasis, they show various dependence of z – pH but less heterogeneity of electrokinetic properties in colloids of each urine sample.

Coagulation kinetics of disperse systems obtained from the urine of healthy people, is qualitatively consistent with their electrophoretic properties. Suspended particles in the urine of healthy people generally show lower values of the Hamaker constant than those in the urine of patients with urolithiasis, which may evidence their higher affinity for water.


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How to Cite
Bareeva, R., & Molodkina, L. (2012). Surface properties of urine colloids of healthy people and patients with urolithiasis. Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 67(3), 181-185.